Report of the 1. Throwers Meeting in Pullman City / Germany (25. - 27. June 2004)picture gallery |
The knife and axe throwers meeting in the wild west amusement park
Pullman City (near Passau, Germany) was held for the first time this year. Because it was scheduled on short notice, only few throwers could participate, but we had throwers joining us from abroad: three axe throwers from Switzerland arrived with their huge
Gransfors axes.
I arrived already Friday, the 25th, and could help painting the targets and enjoy the wild west atmosphere. The park sports a main street with a saloon and shops, and a very big area with a cavalry fort, log huts and tipis, all of which can be rented for accommodation. After the "American History Show", the local knife throwing professional demonstrated his skills to the public. He did not only throw knives around his assistant, but also axes and big nails.

The program on Saturday started at ten o'clock. The eight throwers had the opportunity to have fun throwing at the targets that had been set up in the huge riding hall. The loose ground was a problem, because knives tended to bury themselves in it, prompting extensive searches. The throwers from Switzerland and a young park-guest had contact with the throwing of knives for the first time this weekend, but did surprisingly well in the contest. In the afternoon, the riding hall was occupied by shows, so we had relocate to a round pen for training. In the evening, the contests were finally held: Knives and axes for a short distance of three meters. The mode was simple, the participant threw one knife at each of the two targets, then it was the turn of the next thrower. Ten passes totalled in 20 throws for each thrower per event. The spectators could watch the fun from behind a fence at the side of the hall. One regular visitor spontaneously decided to participate in the contest. The axes really took their toll on the targets, which were only designed for knives. So shortly after the last contest, the very last of the targets crumbled.
The evening was very relaxed with dinner in the steak house (the menu included bison), some hours in the saloon and a late visit to the Hudson Bay bar. Most throwers could not stay for the night, but the guys from Switzerland accepted the offer to set up their tent beside the camping area for free.
All in all, the meeting passed in a relaxed atmosphere, the focus was on the exchange of experiences and the education of new throwers. I want to take the opportunity to again thank Mr. Dedy Jeschke from Pullman City, who made the meeting possible and made it fit into the local schedule! This first event was a successful test run and will find its
continuation next year!
Christian Thiel
The results are also in the
database at StickingPoint.
Knives Short
1 |
Michael P. |
points |
2 |
Gregor Paprocki |
points |
3 |
Jerry Müller |
points |
4 |
Samuel Zimmermann |
points |
5 |
Matoots Jost |
points |
6 |
Raphael Schneider |
points |
7 |
Christian Thiel |
points |
Axe Short
1 |
Michael P. |
points |
2 |
Gregor Paprocki |
points |
3 |
Raphael Schneider |
points |
4 |
Hartmut Feldhahn |
points |
5 |
Samuel Zimmermann |
points |
5 |
Christian Thiel |
points |
7 |
Matoots Jost |
points |
8 |
Jerry Müller |
points |
- Only knives with a rigid blade, longer than 23cm
and narrower than 6cm (referee can allow other knives after a test
throw of the participant).
- Axes with one and two blades
heavier than 500g. Axes should be such (handle and head clearly
distinguishable). With double-edged axes, only sticks with handle down
- Every participant has to have a third party liability insurance.
- Participants
under 18 must be accompanied by a parent. If there are more than 5 of
these young in an event, a separate scoring is possible.
- Events: 3m (short) knife and axe; Middle distance and distance event were canceled.
- No participation fee.
- At
the short and middle distance events, one has 20 throws (two targets,
ten throws at each). The knife will be scored after every single
throw. One may leave it in the target. Before the three throws at each
target, one may do a test throw, the participant has to declare in
advance if he wishes to do so.
- Scoring: Bullseye black
6cm 5 points, first ring red 20cm 3 points, second ring white 40cm 2
points, third ring red 50cm 1 point.
- Knives will be straightened (90°angel to the target) before scoring, the point relevant for the scoring is the middle of that part of the blade that sticks in the target (thus the tip for symmetrical knives). If two rings are touched, the higher one counts.
- The counting point with axes is the middle of that part of the blade that sticks in the target. Here again: In dubio pro reo.
- Heights of the targets: 1,35m up to 1,75m.
- The
referee is always right. If you do not observe the rules, especially
those meant for security, you will be sent off the place.