# Send away internetseer.com User-agent: sitecheck.internetseer.com Disallow: / # Send away ChatGPT User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / # Send away Anthropic/Claude User-agent: ClaudeBot Disallow: / # Don't allow AI training to Google User-agent: Google-Extended Disallow: / # Don't allow AI training to Apple User-agent: Applebot-Extended Disallow: / # Don't allow AI training to webz.io User-agent: Webzio-Extended Disallow: / # Send away Facebook (language model) User-agent: FacebookBot Disallow: / # Send away Facebook (AI model training) User-agent: meta-externalagent Disallow: / # Send away Omgili (by webz.io) User-agent: OmgiliBot Disallow: / # Send away Perplexity (they only summarise the top web hits) User-agent: PerplexityBot Disallow: / # Allow all rest User-agent: * Disallow: